Safety of our swimmers is our number one priority.  We welcome parents to come watch any of our practices. Please use the appropriate door when entering

Blue and White team

Please use the front door (Gym/Pool/Clinic) if you are accompanying your swimming into the building. We ask that you head straight to the pool or seating area.  Please do not wander around the school or offices. Parents must use this entrance at all times.  If you run errands and return to watch, please enter through this door.

Please use the back door (door with the chemical sign) if you are dropping your swimmer off and not walking them into the building. This ensures the swimmers leave your sight and come straight into ours. We cannot have unaccompanied swimmers in the hallways.  Make sure your swimmer knows were to meet you once practice is over.  We do not want young swimmers wandering outside in the dark trying to find parents.

Gold Team, Senior Development, and Seniors

The backdoor is the ONLY door to use before 5:00pm. Please note school is in session and all other doors will be locked.  Parents you are still invited to come watch practices. You will enter the back door and go straight to the door at the far end (with all the tables) to go upstairs to watch. As school is still in session, we ask that you confine yourself to the upstairs or the bathrooms next to the stands.  The front doors are not usually unlocked until after 5pm

Holidays and Saturdays without events

When the school is closed, the only door for entry will be the backdoor.  All parents and swimmers must enter the building this way. Parents and spectators need to make their way to the upstairs seating.  The door to the hallway is all the way at the other end with the tables around it.

This lets us know who is in the building. Sometimes, especially during holidays, we may have to set the alarm at the end of practice. Everyone needs to clear the building quickly so we can set it. 

Swim meets

Any swim meets we host at our pool, everyone will need to enter through the front door unless otherwise stated. 

These policies keep us in line with Safe Sport and Union policies.   Thank you for your help in this matter. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact your coach.